Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Our specialist Physiotherapy team is Consultant-led, that's what keeps our assessment and management skills so current.
Becca Hull at SHP Health in Dorking
Becca Hull at SHP Health in Dorking

Women’s Health Physiotherapy

The term “Women’s Health” relates to a wide variety of conditions for women of various ages. Whether this is pregnancy-related musculoskeletal problems or pelvic floor dysfunction causing pain, incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, Our specialist Women’s Health Team is here to support you.

Working together with you, we provide a therapeutic assessment addressing the problems you are facing and a management and rehabilitation program. This is specifically tailored to your needs for disorders affecting the pelvis and the pelvic floor from pregnancy and beyond.

Women’s Health Physiotherapy at SHP includes the assessment & management of:

1. Antenatal and postnatal related musculoskeletal conditions including:

  1. carpal tunnel syndrome
  2. back and hip pain
  3. sciatica
  4. pelvic girdle pain


2. Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation)

3. Pelvic floor dysfunction:

  1. incontinence at any age
  2. pain
  3. sexual dysfunction
  4. pelvic organ prolapse

Postnatal Me Check

‘The Postnatal Me’ check is especially for women from 6 weeks post-delivery and beyond, it is conducted by our Women’s Health Physiotherapist.

This special consultation combines the principles of physiotherapy assessment, education, management, and functional restoration. It is specifically designed to treat postnatal issues, to assist with effective postnatal recovery and return to functional exercise. It also provides a perfect opportunity to offer reassurance and to encourage positive lifestyle choices.

Examples of common conditions considered as part of the ‘Postnatal Me’ check:

  • Back and neck pain
  • Diastasis recti
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction, including urinary urgency and/or incontinence
  • Bowel dysfunctions, including incontinence and constipation
  • Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
  • Perineal tearing, episiotomy, and C-section scar management 
  • Pelvic girdle pain (PGP)
  • Coccydynia